2019-2020 Faculty Development Awards

CRS Faculty Development Research Award Recipients 2019-2020

Principal Investigator

Project Title





Gibbs, Fred

The Manitos Community Memory Project + Critical Digital Heritage minor/certificate at UNM





López, Nancy

Latinas and Latinos and the Color & Gender Line: Intersectionality for Rectifying Inequities in Education, Employment, Housing and Health





López-Lozano, Miguel

Femicide Fictions: Intersectionality and Gender
Violence in Mexico's Borders

Spanish & Portuguese




Lovata, Troy

Nuevo México: A Guide to Hispanic Historic and
Cultural Sites in New Mexico

Honors College




Mattson, Hannah

The Chaco-Cibola Pottery Trade: Preliminary
Sourcing of Cibola Ceramics across the Southern
San Juan Basin, New Mexico





Torres, Eliseo

Spanish Version of Curanderismo Traditional
Medicine Class

Education, LLSS